
»Frei Otto – Finding Form

Jens Harzer speaks Frei Otto«

Posted on March 23, 2015


»Frei Otto – Finding Form

Jens Harzer speaks Frei Otto«

4 CDs with a total length of 263 minutes

Script and production: Gert Pfafferodt

Music: Mark-André Dalbavie »Charlotte Salomon«

© 2014 by Gerard Billaudot Editeur

Design: stauss processform

Publication date: May 5, 2015

Price: 25,00 Euro (D)

ISBN 978-3-9814774-3-6


Special thanks to the sponsor SL Rasch GmbH



Frei Otto receives the Pritzker Prize posthumously:

On March 9th of this year, a few weeks before his 90th birthday, Frei Otto passed away. Shortly before his death he had learned that he was awarded this year’s Pritzker Prize. On May 15th, Frei Otto’s life and timeless work will be honoured with the prize giving Ceremony in Miami. The Praemium Imperiale and the Aga Khan Award count among the numerous other distinctions he has received for his art of construction.

The audiobook »Frei Otto - Finding Form - Jens Harzer speaks Frei Otto« will be published in May 2015:

As a homage to this great architect and friend of mankind the audiobook “Finding Form” with 4 CDs will be published by Cherbuliez Productions in May 2015. Frei Otto speaks about his life during war and captivity, about his quest and the research work he undertook in unison with a large group of scientists from many different disciplines, and about his construction and his buildings. The actor Jens Harzer lends him his voice and speaks his texts.

The audiobook originates from long talks with Gert Pfafferodt. It draws the listener into the history of a creative personage, his life-long development and evolvement.

Frei Otto – Architect, Visionary, Utopian:

The general public sees in Frei Otto the architect, engineer and visionary, the utopian, ecologist and pioneer. He considers himself a formsearcher and formfinder, a natural scientist. Maybe it was Frei Otto’s giftedness for interdisciplinary thinking which was his pre-eminent genius. The work for which his name stands all over the world is “light” architecture, minimal construction. His highly aesthetic buildings set the benchmark for an ecologically responsible form finding process and shape the architecture of the 20th century. His constructions confirm the cognitions of Nature. They transform the architectural thinking of the 21st century.

Jens Harzer:

Actor at the Thalia Theater Hamburg. He was trained at the Otto-Falckenberg-School in Munich and belonged to the company of Dieter Dorn, Münchner Kammerspiele and Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel. He performed as a guest in Berlin at the Schaubühne and Deutsches Theater, in Hamburg at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus, in Vienna at the Burgtheater and at Salzburg Festival. He worked with Herbert Achtern- busch, Dieter Dorn, Peter Zadek, Jan Bosse, Martin Kusej, Andrea Breth, Luc Bondy, Jürgen Gosch, Dimiter Gotscheff, Luk Perceval, Johan Simons.


Cooperations with Michael Verhoeven, Hans-Christian Schmid and Bülent Akinci.


Awards: Twice Actor of the Year (2008 and 2011),

Kunstpreis Berlin (1996), Kurt-Meisel-Preis (2003),

Silver George: Best Actor Filmfestival Moskau (2006).



Frei Otto, Bodo Rasch:

Finding Form


Deutscher Werkbund Bayern,

Frei Otto und Bodo Rasch

240 pages, hard-cover,


ISBN 978-3930698660

Edition 2013

First published: April 30, 2012

SL Rasch GmbH

© 1995 Edition Axel Menges


»Frei Otto – Finding Form

Jens Harzer reads Frei Otto«

An evening in commemoration of Frei Otto at the Museum Villa Stuck, Munich

Posted on June 11, 2015


An Evening for Frei Otto

June 11, 2015

»Munich, the friendly, cosmopolitan and art-loving city«. Three works of Frei Otto cement this reputation: The temporary construction of the altar isle at the Eucharistic World Congress 1960, the grand Voliere of Hellabrunn in its incomparable beauty, but before all the daring construction of the lightweight Olympic roof landscape. It is, indeed, far more than an icon of Architecture, it has become a face of the City of Munich.

Frei Otto passed away in March 2015. To pay tribute to this close bond, the City of Munich and Cherbuliez Productions had issued an invitation for an evening at the Museum Villa Stuck. As its host, Michael Buhrs bid welcome the Widow Ingrid Otto and members of the family and among the guests many friends, former associates and fellows of Frei Otto.

Hans-Jochen Vogel fascinated the audience. He was able to convey the spirit of the City of Munich characteristic for the Olympic Summer Games 1972. At the time Lord Mayor, he knows about the energy and joy flowing in the planning and realisation. This joy was literally palpable throughout the evening.

Fritz Auer who belongs to the group of architects of this big enterprise, developed once more the ideas and steps leading to the concept and to the final realisation.

Jens Harzer had come from the Thalia Theater to read texts from “Frei Otto – Finding Form”. Through his art, Frei Otto was present among the assembly.

Gert Pfafferodt recalled how heavy Frei Otto felt the burden of his responsibility as constructor and pointed at conflicts and liabilities. In his final statement he asked if it would not be worthy to remember the Olympic Summer Games 1972 as a model for a friendly, sportive and cultural celebration; if not the moment had come to add the Olympic Park to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as it reflects the history of the Federal Republic of Germany and its efforts to be appreciated as a cosmopolitan and democratic community.

The Mayor of the City of Munich, Dieter Reiter, pays tribute to the lifework of Frei Otto in a letter of condolence to his widow Ingrid Otto:


top left:

Jens Harzer

top right:

Michael Buhrs

Hans-Jochen Vogel

Fritz Auer

bottom left:

Gert Pfafferodt

„Mit Bestürzung habe ich vom Tod Ihres Ehemannes erfahren. Zu diesem schmerzlichen Verlust möchte ich Ihnen im Namen des Stadtrats der Landeshauptstadt München und vor allem persönlich mein herzliches Mitgefühl ausdrücken.

Frei Otto war einer der prägendsten Architekten, Ingenieure und Vordenker seiner Zeit: Sein Studium der Form und Funktion der Natur sowie deren Übertragung in die Technik dienen heute unter dem Oberbegriff Bionik der Problemlösung in den vielfältigsten wissenschaftlichen Bereichen. Lange bevor der Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit in unser gesellschaftliches Bewusstsein Einzug hielt, hatte er bereits die Notwendigkeit eines sparsamen und ressourcenschonenden Umgangs mit unserer Umwelt im Blick. Mit seinem Interesse am Experiment und dem Erforschen von bis dahin weithin unbekannten Bereichen der Baukunst hat er Pionierarbeit geleistet, deren Wirkung bis heute anhält.

Als Berater, Lehrer und Autor war Frei Otto prägend für mehr als eine Architektengeneration weltweit. Dem demokratischen Selbstverständnis der jungen Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat er mit seinen leichten und transparenten Bauten, ob für den Deutschen Pavillon auf der Expo 1967 in Montreal oder dem Olympiagelände in München 1972, einen architektonischen Ausdruck verschafft, der international Anerkennung fand.

Die Landeshauptstadt München hat Frei Otto mit den weltberühmten Zeltdachkonstruktionen des Olympiageländes sowie der Großvoliere im Tierpark Hellabrunn zwei ihrer herausragenden modernen Bauten zu verdanken. Die Leichtigkeit des Münchner Olympiadachs ist damit nicht nur zu einer Ikone der Weltarchitektur und zu einem Gesicht Münchens geworden. Für seine Verdienste ist Frei Otto mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse sowie mit dem Pritzker-Preis ausgezeichnet worden, der ihm noch zu Lebzeiten zuerkannt worden ist und nun leider nur posthum verliehen werden kann.

Sein vielleicht größter Verdienst für die Landeshauptstadt München besteht aber darin, mit seinen Olympiabauten auch und gerade dem Lebensgefühl einer Generation Ausdruck und Prägung verliehen zu haben, die zur Zeit der Münchner Olympischen Spiele und in den für die Stadtentwicklung so wichtigen Jahren davor und danach eine besondere Freiheit, Aufbruch und Freude empfunden hat. Ich wünsche Ihnen für die kommenden schweren Wochen viel Kraft und für die Zukunft auch Trost in dem Wissen, dass sein Andenken nie vergessen werden wird und sein Geist in seinen Werken weiterleben wird.“

By kind permission of the Mayor`s Office of the City of Munich.

»Koch liest Heuss«

2 CDs

Nachricht vom 25.05.2012

»Sebastian Koch liest aus
Briefen und Reden von
Theodor Heuss«

2 CDs mit einer Gesamtlänge
von ca. 110 Minuten

Musik: John Cage,

gespielt von Markus Hinterhäuser

Regie: Gert Pfafferodt

Wissenschaftliche Begleitung:

Dr. Frieder Günther,
Stiftung Bundespräsident Theodor-Heuss-Haus

Graphische Gestaltung:

design stauss grillmeier

ISBN 978-3-9814774-1-2

Euro 18,00 (D)

Erstveröffentlichung: 12.06.2012

Bestellung über

Bestellung über Amazon

© + P 1996 by col legno.

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung
der col legno Produktions-
und Vertriebs-GmbH, Wien.


Der gebürtige Schwabe Theodor Heuss wurde 1949 zum ersten Bundespräsidenten der jungen Bundesrepublik Deutschland gewählt. Die aktuelle Debatte über die Rolle des »ersten Mannes im Staate« gibt Anlass sich wieder mit Heuss, dem Vorkämpfer für Demokratie und seinem Ruf nach Menschlichkeit in der Politik zu befassen.

Der Schöngeist, der neben Nationalökonomie und Staatswissenschaften auch Literatur, Philosophie und Kunstgeschichte studierte, war aufgrund seines herzlichen, volksnahen Wesens und seinen oft humorvollen Reden ein beliebter Politiker. In die Kaiserzeit unter Otto von Bismarck hineingeboren, kommentierte er als politischer Redakteur der Neckar-Zeitung den ersten Weltkrieg, als Abgeordneter war er Mitgestalter der Weimarer Republik und im Dritten Reich erhielt er Rede- und Berufsverbot. Prägend für seine Amtszeit (1949–1959) waren unter anderem sein verantwortlicher Umgang mit dem Nationalsozialismus und die Forderung nach einer neuen demokratischen Staats- und Rechtsordnung. Heuss gilt als einer der geistigen Väter des Grundgesetzes und legte den Grundstein für die Aussöhnung mit dem Erzfeind Frankreich. Seine Staatsbesuche ins europäische und außereuropäische Ausland vermittelten schon bald das Bild eines neuen Deutschland. 1959 erhielt er als Anerkennung für seine Verdienste den Friedenspreis des deutschen Buchhandels.

Die vorliegende Doppel-CD enthält Reden sowie Briefe, datierend von 1902 – da war Heuss gerade mal 18 Jahre alt – bis 1962, ein Jahr vor seinem Tod.

Die Texte reichen vom »Entwurf einer Erklärung für die Reichstagssitzung zum Ermächtigungsgesetz« (23.3.1933) über Rundfunkansprachen, u.a. zur »Aufgabe und Pflichten der Parteien« (1945), seinen Reden vor dem Parlamentarischen Rat und nach der Wahl zum Bundespräsidenten (1949), Korrespondenzen mit politischen Weggefährten bis hin zu seiner beeindruckenden Gedenkrede (»Das Mahnmal«, 1952) im ehemaligen KZ Bergen-Belsen. Briefe an Freunde und seine Frau Elly ergänzen die Sammlung und geben einen weiteren Einblick in seine Persönlichkeit.

Der aus Karlsruhe stammende Schauspieler Sebastian Koch liest die Texte fein akzentuiert, mit authentisch-schwäbischem Dialektanklang. Seine Interpretation der unterschiedlichen Zeitdokumente ist atmosphärisch hervorragend gelungen und eine wahre Fundgrube für jeden Staatsbürger. Auch eignet sich das Hörbuch als ergänzendes Lehrmaterial für den Schulunterricht. Eine Heuss-Biographie von Angelika Holterman mit zahlreichen Verweisen auf die zeitlich entsprechenden Texte des Hörbuchs finden Sie als kostenlosen Download unter dem Stichwort Lehrerhandreichungen: Die enthalten darüber hinaus Anregungen für den Unterricht in allen Schularten.

»Koch liest Heuss«

Lesung im Theater Bielefeld

Nachricht vom 13.04.2015

Lesung »Koch liest Heuss«
Sebastian Koch liest aus
Briefen und Reden
von Theodor Heuss

am Sonntag,

den 10. Mai 2015

um 20.00 Uhr

Theater Bielefeld

Brunnenstraße 3 – 9

33602 Bielefeld

Eine Produktion von Cherbuliez
Productions und Sebastian Koch

Karten unter:

Sebastian Koch liest aus
Briefen und Reden von
Theodor Heuss

2 CDs mit einer Gesamtlänge
von ca. 110 Minuten

Musik: John Cage,

gespielt von Markus Hinterhäuser


Gert Pfafferodt

Wissenschaftliche Begleitung:

Dr. Frieder Günther

Graphische Gestaltung:

design stauss grillmeier

ISBN 978-3-9814774-1-2

Euro 18,00 (D)

Erstveröffentlichung: 30.04.2012

Bestellung über

Bestellung über Amazon

© + P 1996 by col legno.

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung
der col legno Produktions-
und Vertriebs-GmbH, Wien.



Design and Identity

Conference and Festival on Non-Latin Typefaces

Bangkok, 24–27 July 2013

Posted on February 2, 2014

Cherbuliez Productions
Southeast Asia




A string of shops shields a narrow soi and its 120- year old wooden town houses from the bustle of the daily textile market and the characteristic swarming nightly fruit and vegetable market. In this back alley lies the Bangkok hideaway of Cherbuliez Productions.

To Cherbuliez Productions, routine jobs are as alien as rigid attitudes. The production company does not pursue one model. For each task a separate team is assembled, bringing together knowledge of ethos and aesthetics and implements the work within the terms of particular surroundings. In this way, neither the commitment to the task nor the warmth in the working atmosphere gets lost. Cherbuliez Productions considers itself a partner, not only able to solve prob- lems but to build bridges between cultures. Despite institutionalized rules, which have been fostering contacts between civilizations from time immemorial, again and again we experience the shock that we are forced to put ourselves in rapport with what is contrary to what we are made of, with something we cannot integrate into the flow of our concrete life experience.

Those in search of a dialogue between generations, religions and cultures, working with an interdisciplinary approach, wishing to understand the richness of finding form in the working process, willing to encounter “the foreign” in a concrete issue, in short, those who sense the grace of mankind, find in Cherbuliez Productions an escort: a scout, a tracker, a prospector, an alchemist, a pioneer, encountering a fact in its evolved consistency in such a way that the difference appears clearly, that opaqueness and obdurate surfaces become transparent. In a playful way and by a radical form of thinking, culture is challenged.

Thus in the very instance of GRANSHAN 2013 in Bangkok was it possible to establish the intermediation of a completely unfamiliar concept and a complex group of themes, even through months of a terrible natural disaster and in a year of great social change. This achievement will again strengthen the confidence placed by wide circles in Cherbuliez Productions.

Thanks for the Photos to:

Ben Mitchell (left side up)

Jinny Wong (left side center)

Lars Harmsen (left side below)

Lars Harmsen (right side up)

Theatre Play


Theater Ulm

German Premiere

Posted on April 4, 2013

Theatre Play


German Premiere

Theatre: Theater Ulm, Germany

Play: Nicholas Pierpan

German Version: Michael Sommer

Ulm Version: Gert Pfafferodt

Photography: Ilja Meß

The original title of the play „You Can Still Make A Killing” uses the ambiguity of „killing“: making a profit and hiring a killer. Ever since the outbreak of the financial crisis the whole world stares blankly at the world of finance. Since 2007 the circulation of government bonds has grown to 43 Billion $. In 2013 the GDP amounted to some 73 billion $. Thus the national liabilities represent 59 % oft he world GDP. Many, many people suffer from the brutal consequences. Politicians and media are helpless. And the theatre performs the crisis of the system, showing us all, bankers as well as audience ...

watch video






Edward Knowles

Naresh Banerjee

Fen Knowles

Linda Banerjee

Sir Roger Glynn


Kim Lopez




Gloria Banerjee/Paula

Harry, Kathy und

die Rugby-Kinder


Raphael Westermeier

Volkram Zschiesche

Tini Prüfert

Aglaja Stadelmann

Gunther Nickles

Sibylle Schleicher

Johanna Paschinger

Jörg-Heinrich Benthien

Wilhelm Schlotterer

Florian Stern

Ulla Willick

Jonas Buchmüller

Yannick Duscheck

Ari Ege

Christoph Egger

Theresa Egger

Martin Frank

Andreas Gall

Niklas Müller

Jonas Rau

Maurice Renner


Stage Designer

Costume Designer

Lighting Designer

Musikalische Leitung


Assistant Director

Evening Director

Guest Student


Stage Manager



Original Title


German Premiere

Duration of Performance

Performing Rights oft the

German version

Gert Pfafferodt

Britta Lammers

Mona Hapke

Klaus Welz

Jörg-Heinrich Benthien

Michael Sommer

Miriam Locher

Miriam Locher

Alfred Müller

Cornelia Sodan

Mareike Zill

Jörg-Heinrich Benthien

Matthias Freund a.G.

Pascal Czisch a.G.

You can still make

a Killing


Gr. Haus, Theater Ulm, Germany


Southwark Playhouse,


Approx. 2,30 h, one intermission

S. Fischer Verlag,

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

»design stauss grillmeier«

works 1996 – 2012

Posted on March 6, 2012

»design stauss grillmeier«

works 1996 – 2012
Cherbuliez Editions 2012,
312 pages, cloth, dust jacket,
ISBN 978-3-9814774-2-9,
28,00 Euro plus shipping

Order through Amazon



Cherbuliez Editions published a new book. It introduces the Munich design firm “design stauss grillmeier.” The book is more than a report of works spanning over a 16-year period. It presents work and thought processes of contemporary design as well as the multi- and interdisciplinary approach of the two partners, Prof. Kilian Stauss and Josef A. Grillmeier, in the field of communication design, consulting, research, exhibition design, interaction design, interior design, product design and signage design. The images are complemented with “yellow blocks” containing texts by the Munich author Tobias Glaser. The book advocates for a novel and transcending definition of design that does not orient itself merely to university divisions and disciplines.

Deutscher Werkbund Bayern

From 1992 to 2002, Antoinette
Cherbuliez was the Executive
Director of Deutschen Werk-
bundes Bayern

Posted on November 1, 2010



As the Executive Director of Deutscher Werkbund Bayern, Antoinette Cherbuliez dealt with design in the broadest sense, especially with architecture and urban planning, with interior design and living culture, art, craft and design. In addition to her committee work, she organized target groups and retreats on such topics as living culture; Werkbund experimental housing estate; design and energy; quality and creativity; as well as exhibitions, lectures and symposia. She was responsible for the publication of a member journal and planned a study excursion to Israel’s Werkbund Architecture. She was involved with the Werkbund Workshop Project in Nürnberg; with housing counseling for the Werkbund Bayern; with the Werkbund’s umbrella association; and contributed to other nationally organized committees and institutions.



Theodor Heuss Foundation

From 2002-2009, Antoinette Cherbuliez
was the Executive Director of the
Theodor Heuss Foundation in Stuttgart

Posted on November 1, 2010

As the Executive Director of the Theodor Heuss Foundation, Antoinette Cherbuliez was responsible for a “Future Workshop” (2002) and the annual awarding of the Theodor Heuss Prize with colloquia, round table discussions and symposia on the topics “Education and Formation: a Test for Democracy” (2003), “Impulses for a Citizen’s Europe” (2004), “40 Years of Theodor Heuss Foundation 1965 – 2005: A Challenge for the Future” (2005), “Poverty and Exclusion in Europe – the Case of the Roma” (2006), “Religion and Integration in Europe” (2007), “Strengthening Security – Securing Civil Rights” (2008) and “Civil Rights, Mayors, Civil Initiatives: Creating Local Democracy” (2009). She initiated the regular publication of an annual volume documenting the events, and she administered the conversion into a foundation under civil law. Together with design stauss grillmeier (Munich) she developed the Foundation’s new appearance. After her retirement from the management, Cherbuliez Productions has carried out a limited number of projects for the Theodor Heuss Foundation.

Musical Theater Production
Glenn Gould vs. Glenn Gould

A musical
theater production

Posted on November 1, 2010

Cherbuliez Productions produces the musical theater performance »Glenn Gould vs. Glenn Gould«, which is the fruit of an independent collaboration of four artists. The director Gert Pfafferodt developed the play about the Canadian pianist Glenn Gould together with actor and pianist Danny Exnar, the countertenor Christopher Robson and the painter Bernd Zimmer. They developed a German and an English stage version. The Glenn Gould Estate in Toronto supports the project. Performances are slated for different stages and festivals in Germany, Europe, the US and Canada. The agent is Thomas Petz, Artbureau, in Munich.


World Premiere
Glenn Gould vs. Glenn Gould

A musical theatre performance

October 18 and 19, 2011, 8.00pm
Carl Orff Saal at the Gasteig, Munich


“I was never prepared to enjoy the presence of the Audience”. Glenn Gould is a legend, the “James Dean of classical music“. His tender youth, the early success and the rebellious aloofness make of him the “James Dean of classical music”. All the world wants to hear him. He is considered to be not only the talent but also the eccentric of the century. He dismisses Schubert, speaks condescendingly about Mozart, attacks Beethoven. And at age 25 he declares to give up playing concerts when reaching the age of 30. But this step marks the beginning of an unprecedented musical career. In the seclusion of the studio he devotes himself to his vision of music. To his audience he leaves a gigantic discography. In 2012 he would have celebrated his 80th birthday and at the same time it is the 30th anniversary of his death. Glenn Gould hides behind the legend.


Danny Exnar and
Christopher Robson
Bernd Zimmer
Directed by
Gert Pfafferodt
Texts by
Glenn Gould und T.S. Eliot.

Music by
Johann Sebastian Bach,
Richard Wagner and
Arthur Hamilton.
All music is performed live.
Cherbuliez Productions
Thomas Petz Artbureau München

Musical Theater
Glenn Gould vs. Glenn Gould

A musical
theatre performance

Posted on December 6, 2011


Performance in February 2012
in cooperation with
Gasteig München GmbH
Black Box im Gasteig
Rosenheimer Straße 5
81667 München:

Performance in English:

February 08, 2012, 8.00 pm
Performances in German:
Friday, February 10 2012, 8.00 pm
Sunday, February 12, 2012,
11.00 am and 8.00 pm



Photographs: henglein&steets, Munich

Glenn Gould is a legend, the “James Dean of classical music“. He dismisses Schubert, speaks condescendingly about Mozart, attacks Beethoven, and at age 23 his recording of Bach’s “Goldberg Variations“ catapults him into international stardom. Seven years later, at the very peak of his fame, Gould decides to abandon the concert hall for good; a step marking the beginning of an unprecedented musical career. In 2012 Glenn Gould would have celebrated his 80th birthday but instead the world commemorates the 30th anniversary of his death. On this occasion director Gert Pfafferodt puts the ingenious and eccentric pianist on stage. And with his theatre performance “Glenn Gould vs. Glenn Gould” he is far from intending a biographical narration, rather he illuminates the various facets of the person Glenn Gould – “Variations on Glenn Gould”, so to speak. The performers and their directing team are thrilled about this evening which not only presents all the music live, but captivates “with ironic subtlety” and “a lot of humour”, according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

With: Danny Exnar and Christopher Robson
Stage: Bernd Zimmer
Direction: Gert Pfafferodt
Light: Mark Zipperlein
Glove Puppets: Anna Paniccia
Texts: Glenn Gould und T.S. Eliot
Music: Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Wagner und Arthur Hamilton
Agent: Thomas Petz, Art Bureau München
Press Relations: Simone Lutz PR
Graphic Design: design stauss grillmeier

Tickets: 25,00 Euro /12,00 Euro
München Ticket, Phone: 089 54818181

In 2012 Glenn Gould would have celebrated his 80th birthday. He died in 1982, a few days after his 50th birthday. The performances “Glenn Gould vs. Glenn Gould” are part of the Glenn Gould Days of the Gasteig from February 8 to 12, 2012, in memory of the Canadian Pianist.

Thanks to: Glenn Gould Estate, Toronto; Bayerische Architektenkammer, München; BeMe Theatre, München; Luci Hofmüller, München; Hotel München Palace, München; Reinhart Kraus, Görlitz; Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München; Pianohaus Zechlin GmbH, Ahrensburg; Johanna Richter, München; Wendy Waterman, New York; Yamaha Music Europe GmbH, Paris.

Musical Theater
Glenn Gould vs. Glenn Gould

A Musical
Theatre Performance

Posted on 09.11.2015


Guest Performance
Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Großes Haus
Tuesday, December 1st, 2015, 19.30 h

Danny Exnar and Christopher Robson
Gert Pfafferodt
Bernd Zimmer
Mark Zipperlein
Anna Paniccia
henglein&steets, München



Glenn Gould is a legend, the “James Dean of classical music“. He ignores Schubert, speaks condescendingly on Mozart, attacks Beethoven, and at age 22 his recording of Bach’s “Goldberg Variations“ catapults him into international stardom. Seven years later, at the very peak of his fame, Gould decides to abandon the concert hall for good; a step marking the beginning of an unprecedented musical career.

Gert Pfafferodt puts the ingenious and eccentric pianist on stage. And he is far from intending a biographical narration, rather he illuminates the various facets of the person Glenn Gould – “Variations on Glenn Gould”, so to speak. The performers and their directing team created a thrilling evening which not only presents all the music live, but captivates “with ironic subtlety” and “a lot of humour”, according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

      Thanks to:

  • Glenn Gould Estate, Toronto

  • Piano: Yamaha Music Europe GmbH

  • Glenn Gould Chair: Pianohaus Zechlin GmbH

  • Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH

Handmade Quilts

Posted on November 1, 2010

Antoinette Cherbuliez started with the creation and production of quilts thirty years ago. She uses traditional American patchwork and quilt patterns for her work, which she carries out with clear and unconventional color combinations. Except for quilts made out of leftover pieces of all kinds of materials, she works exclusively with pure cotton and silk. She sews and quilts exclusively by hand. She created quilts for furnishing houses and upon private orders, for adults and children. She accepts orders at all times. For 2012 she plans an exhibit of her new works.

Handmade Quilts

Posted on November 2, 2014

Babyquilt 2014

80 · 130 cm

pure cotton

handsewn and


»Czlowiek | Der Mensch«

Photographs by artist Thomas Lüttge

Posted on March 6, 2012

»Czlowiek | Der Mensch«

Photographs by artist Thomas Lüttge

Catalogue of the exhibition at

the Walery Rzewuski Museum of

History of Photography, Krakau,

from October 10 to November 27, 2011


Cherbuliez Editions 2011,

92 pages, sewn binding, soft cover,

dust jacket,

ISBN 978-3-9814774-0-5,

24,00 Euro plus shipping

Order through Amazon




»What is man, that you think of him?”«
Already the biblical psalmist asked Yahwe, God, this question full of self-doubt. What is man? This question remains without an answer. The person who asks this question can only try to fathom it himself. »Gnothi seauton« was written on the column of the Apollo Temple in ancient Delphi. »Know thyself«. And one could add: know yourself through the other. Thomas Lüttge pursues exactly this in his work; he has been onto this secret throughout his artistic life. Without bias he looks at the world into which man is born. Thus he approaches and meets the traces of man, perceives him in certain situations, sees him always from the present moment. The photographer’s gaze is always open and true. Thomas Lüttge is not inhibited by preconceived conceptions. He doesn’t conceive an image of man; instead, he stays the one who is seeing, exploring, questioning while taking a photograph. One can follow these questions, this artistic path that sometimes is intricate and mazelike; for sure, it has never been planned, calculated or even pre-set. One can partake in his adventures of gazing, in his insights. Whether in Africa or Asia, in the US or in Europe: beyond all cultural idiosyncrasy, while looking at, immersing yourself with Thomas Lüttge, you get closer to the essence of man. No answers but inklings. For example, in regards to the question of reality. One questions time in the extended, present moments that Thomas Lüttge isolated from the flow of time. Or when looking at an image that turns into a theatrical stage. Inklings, too, since we encounter men in all their vulnerability, exposing their intimacy. Thomas Lüttge or rather his images leave room for the viewers to look at them without prejudices, as he does himself. Then we might find the moments in which we get closer to finding the answer to the question »What is man, that you think of him? «
(Wilhelm Warning)

Cherbuliez Productions was in charge of the “Contemporary Witness Project” of the Theodor Heuss Foundation. In collaboration with journalists Heinz Verfürth and Hans-Peter Föhrding (Berlin) and director of photography and filmdirector Georg Steinweh (Stuttgart), interviews with longterm members and companions of the Theodor Heuss Foundation, among them the founder Hildegard Hamm-Brücher, with chairs of the board of trustees, former Germany’s President Richard von Weizsäcker and Jutta Limbach, and board members Hermann Rudolf, Gesine Schwan and Hans-Jochen Vogel. The material will be published first on the website of the Theodor Heuss Foundation, followed by an image film and a book project.

Contemporary Witness Project of the
Theodor Heuss Foundation


Posted on November 1, 2010

Annual Publication of the
Theodor Heuss Foundation


Posted on October 15, 2010

Cherbuliez Production has assumed the editorial supervision, coordination and execution of the Theodor Heuss Stiftung’s annual publication of 2009, with the topic “Civil Rights, Mayors, Civil Initiatives: Creating Local Democracy”. It is the first volume that will feature the new graphic design by design stauss grillmeier (Munich). The book is a thread-sawn soft cover, 132 pages in size and includes 52 black and white prints. It was printed by Greska, Munich.

Consulting for the webiste
“AGS Garten”

Posted on November 1, 2010

Cherbuliez Productions has been involved in finalizing the content and editing of the texts for the website of landscape architect Adelheid Schönborn (Munich). design stauss grillmeier (Munich) carried out the picture desk and design of the website, as well as the development of the new interface.