Deutscher Werkbund Bayern
From 1992 to 2002, Antoinette
Cherbuliez was the Executive
Director of Deutschen Werk-
bundes Bayern
Posted on November 1, 2010
As the Executive Director of Deutscher Werkbund Bayern, Antoinette Cherbuliez dealt with design in the broadest sense, especially with architecture and urban planning, with interior design and living culture, art, craft and design. In addition to her committee work, she organized target groups and retreats on such topics as living culture; Werkbund experimental housing estate; design and energy; quality and creativity; as well as exhibitions, lectures and symposia. She was responsible for the publication of a member journal and planned a study excursion to Israel’s Werkbund Architecture. She was involved with the Werkbund Workshop Project in Nürnberg; with housing counseling for the Werkbund Bayern; with the Werkbund’s umbrella association; and contributed to other nationally organized committees and institutions.